Our Curriculum

We at Montessori Garden recognise the dynamic and inter-related nature of the different areas of learning and therefore our carefully planned curriculum for the unique child differs greatly not only in appearance but also in presentation.

For an in-depth presentation of how we apply the Montessori principles, please see Montessori at Us.

Our indoor and outdoor classrooms are carefully planned by our qualified staff for the specific group. We also endeavour to provide our children with weekly free learning space in Hampstead Heath and sports focused learning in Peckwater Estate sports facilities led by our qualified sports coach weekly, as well as weekly music, drama and free movement classes. Please contact us to find out what is currently being organised.

The different areas of learning are:

Practical Life Skills
– to aid independence, co-ordination, movement, balance and grace. It consists of Care for the Environment, Care of the Self, Refinement of manipulative skills and grace and courtesy activities.
Personal, social and emotional skills
– developing confidence, self-respect, positive relationships with other children and adults, persevere in their learning and sensitivity to the needs of others.
Physical development
– moving confidently and imaginatively, increasing control and co-ordination and awareness of space and others.
Communication and Language
– opportunities to experience a rich language environment, develop confidence and skill in expressing themselves, and to speak and listen in a range of situations.
– understanding that language can be written (books, journals, flashcards), mark-making that ideas can be carried on paper, beginnings of letter recognition.
– sorting, matching and counting, developing a systematic approach to learning through the use of objects, while slowly helping the child in understanding and using numbers, measurements, spaces and shapes.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
– opportunities to explore a wide range of topics through activities and materials based on real-life experiences, helping to make sense of their physical world and their community.
Expressive Arts and Design
– share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, sports, role play and design and technology.